Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Sep 21, 2014 |
I have recently had a client charged with Theft of Rental Property in Washington State:
My client did business with a popular rental furniture retail outlet. He rented some furniture for his new home and then fell into financial troubles. My...
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Sep 19, 2014 |
John M. Tymczyszyn, Washington State Veterans Bar Association
In support of Tracy Flood for judge
As the chair of the Washington State Veterans Bar Association (WSVBA), I am pleased to announce that our organization endorses Tracy Flood for judge.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Sep 07, 2014 |
This month Bellevue, WA police have started using school zone speed cameras to give out speeding tickets and traffic tickets. The city of Bellevue installed cameras Lake Hills elementary school and Stevenson elementary school, Bellevue drivers were cited with 522 tickets in the previous year at these two locations.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Sep 02, 2014 |
Ok this is a pretty extreme case of a repeat DUI offender. This guy has managed to get seven DUI's and he is only 42 years old. This case did not occur in Washington State, but In Idaho. But the legal alcohol limit for Idaho is the same as Washington State .08. This is a case where you can see that public opinion is quite negative toward DUI charged, and especially DUI charges.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Aug 30, 2014 |
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick publicly criticized and flaged what he saw as ironic news. A California state senator was arrested for DUI, hours after voting for legislation that would further regulate ride-sharing services like Uber. If you live in the Seattle area, and especially in the east side communities of Bellevue, Kirkland and Redmond that you are undoubtedly familiar with Uber cars.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Aug 02, 2014 |
Occasionally, even careful drivers can get a traffic ticket or speeding ticket. Especially in communities like Bellevue, Redmond and Kirkland. The Cops are out in force is summer and ARAG stands behind its drivers by covering their costs for legal representation.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jul 18, 2014 |
In 2013 the City of Kirkland gave out 387 DUI's. This is compared to the City of Bellevue's 218 DUI's in 2013. The City of Kirkland gave out more that one DUI per day in 2013. Additionally, the City of Kirkland has a population of approximately 85,000 people, compared to 135,000 people in Bellevue.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jul 16, 2014 |
We constantly see in the news where a driver, high on marijuana or under the influence of alcohol, hits a pedestrian or another car, killing someone. They are charged with driving under the influence or vehicular homicide. They get a few years in prison and then are free to live their lives. But the person they killed is dead.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jul 15, 2014 |
From May 19th - June 1st the City Police and county Law enforcement have been patrolling the roads in Bellevue, Kirkland, Sammamish and Seattle. The effort was focused in King County and the purpose was for police to issue traffic tickets. During the 2-week period police wrote 388 seatbelt tickets and 426 cell phone/texting tickets. Additionally, 13 DUI's were given out as well.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jul 08, 2014 |
There has been 70,000 drivers ticketed by speeding cameras in Seattle. The fine is generally $189 for speeding tickets like this. A Ballard Resident and attorney received one of these tickets and chose to fight it. He Won! His argument was that the signs around the school had too many words and ...
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jun 30, 2014 |
With the passage of I-502, that legalized marijuana in Washington State, police in King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties are increasing DUI patrols and targeting the 4th of July holiday weekend. Remember, the legal age for smoking marijuana is 21, and you can get a DUI for smoking and driving.
Posted by John Tymczyszyn | Jun 30, 2014 |
Extra DUI patrols to remind drivers of Federal Way teens killed by drunk driver
Residents and visitors to the Federal Way area should be aware of the "Nick and Derek Project." With High School graduation season upon us it is important to remember to have a designated driver. Additionally, with...